Full Stack Web Development Course in Lahore, Pakistan
Best Full Stack Web development course in Lahore equipping you to become a web developer in 2023 (and beyond). Courses for all levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. provides you more opportunities to learn everything from business and advertising to Design and Develop a outstanding website.
Saturday and Sunday
6:00 pm to 08:00 pm
Duration: 6 months
Rs: 45,000/person

What’s included in the Full Stack Web Development Course in Lahore, Pakistan | IDEO College
Introduction of Web Development Course in Lahore
Billions of Stack Web Development websites are scrolled to find relevant information to buy products and services. Usually, 570 websites are developed in HTML and designed in CSS per minute. Full Stack Web Development Course in Lahore is set to develop hands-on experience on the top-demand programming languages. You can become a game-changer and encourage professionals, Full Stack Web Development Build Value!
More than 570 websites are created every minute. Want to know why? Whether a company is a service provider, sells products or runs an e-commerce store, it needs a website to enhance its reach globally. Website development Course in Lahore is a highly demanded skill in the market. It has a market size of $40.0bn. So people who are interested in becoming a website developer or thinking about choosing a career. Ideo College IT Training Institute in Pakistan is a good option for them as we provide a platform for students to learn and implement practical knowledge taught by our expert instructors. Ideo College IT Institute in Pakistan (Lahore, Islamabad, Sargodha) has an ambition of transforming students into experts and professionals.
Scope of Web Development Course in Lahore
Web designers and developers earn up to Rs 404,137/month. For students and freelancers, there are huge opportunities to start a career and earn online. As an entrepreneur, you can develop your own e-store and start your business.
The objective of Full Stack Web Development Course in Lahore Pakistan
The objective of this training is to:
- Design an effective website
- Creating website structure in HTML
- Designing a website in CSS
- Working on the backend with PHP
- Develop basic programming skills using JavaScript
- Help you learn Dreamweaver from start to finish
- Bid for projects on freelance websites
- Analyzing the usability of a website
- Working on website performance audit
After this Course(Full Stack Web Development Coursein Lahore), Skills Outcomes
- HTML/CSS skills
- Analytical skills
- Responsive design skills
- Testing and debugging skills
- Interpersonal skills
- Search Engine Optimization(SEO) Expert
- JavaScript skills
- Back-end basics
Who should join the (Web Development Course at Ideo College) and Why?
E-commerce – To make his online stores and generate sales
Freelancers – Interested in web developers and designers
Web developers – who want to grow their career for promotion
Professionals – of web development who want to polish their skills in this field
Students – learn the most demanding skills of web development for freelancing
1. Front-end (HTML5 | CSS3 | Bootstrap | JavaScript | jQuery | jQuery mobile)
2. Foundation paradigms (OOPS | Design Patterns | Object Modelling | JSON | AJAX)
3. PHP & Mysql
4. MEAN Stack (MongoDB | Express Framework | AngularJS | Node.js)
5. Data Exchange (HTTP | Websockets)
Best Full Stack Web Development Course in Lahore, Pakistan
Course Outline Best Full Stack Web Development Course
FRONT-END COURSE MODULE: Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML5)
Module Objectives:
• Building Strong expertise to develop front-end applications using HTML5
• Implement MVC and responsive design to scale well across PC, tablet, and Mobile Phone
This course provides you with hands-on experience and exposure to developing HTML5-based single-page applications for browsers. This course builds a strong foundation on HTML5 which will help
the developer to use HTML5 concepts for building responsive web applications.
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Detailed Course Contents:
• Introduction HTML
• HTML Basics
• HTML Elements
• HTML5 Semantic
• HTML Attributes
• HTML Headings
• HTML Paragraph
• HTML styles
• HTML Formatting
• HTML Quotations
• HTML Computer Code
• HTML Comments & Colours
• HTML CSS, Links, and Images
• HTML Lists
• HTML Blocks
• HTML Classes
• HTML Layout
• HTML Responsive
• HTML iframes
• HTML JavaScript
• HTML Head
1 FRONT-END COURSE MODULE: Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
Module Objectives:
• Building Strong expertise to develop front-end applications using CSS3
• Implement MVC and responsive design to scale across PC, tablet, and Mobile Phone
This course provides you with hands-on experience and exposure to developing CSS3-based web applications. This course builds a strong foundation on CS33 which will help developers use CSS3 concepts for building responsive web applications
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Detailed Course Contents:
• Introduction CSS3
• CSS3 syntax
• CSS3 How To
• CSS3 Colours
• CSS3 Backgrounds
• CSS3 Boarders
• CSS Padding
• CSS Height/Width
• CSS3 Gradients
• CSS3 Shadows
• CSS3 Text
• CSS3 Fonts
• CSS3 2D Transforms
• CSS3 3D Transforms
• CSS Links
• CSS Lists
• CSS Tables
• CSS Box Model
• CSS Outline
• CSS Display
• CSS Max-width
• CSS Position
• CSS Float
• CSS Inline-block
• CSS Align
• CSS Combinators
• CSS Pseudo-class
• CSS Pseudo-element
• CSS Navigation Bar
• CSS Dropdowns
• CSS Tooltips
• CSS3 Images
• CSS Attr Selectors
• CSS Forms
• CSS Counters
• CSS3 Animations
• CSS3 Buttons
• CSS3 Pagination
• CSS3 Multiple Columns
• CSS3 User Interface
• CSS3 Box Sizing
• CSS3 Filters
• CSS3 Media Queries.
• CSS3 Responsive
• To become proficient in Bootstrap concepts
• To develop a web page based on Bootstrap
This course is targeted at fresh engineers or professionals who want to build competency in the
Bootstrap-based web development.
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Detailed Course Contents:
• Introduction to Bootstrap
• Bootstrap Basics
• Bootstrap Grids
• Bootstrap Themes
• Bootstrap CSS
• Bootstrap JS
- Javascript Module Objectives:
• Building Strong expertise to develop front-end applications using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript
along with jQuery and AngularJS framework
• Implement MVC and responsive design to scale across PC, tablet, and Mobile Phones
This course provides you with hands-on experience and exposure to developing JavaScript-based web
application. This course builds a strong foundation in JavaScript which will help the developer apply
JavaScript concepts for responsive web frontend and backend development.
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Detailed Course Contents:
• Introduction to JavaScript
• JavaScript Language Basics
• JavaScript Objects
• JavaScript Scope
• JavaScript Events
• JavaScript Strings
• JavaScript Numbers
• JavaScript Math
• JavaScript Arrays
• JavaScript Boolean
• JavaScript Comparisons
• JavaScript Conditions
• JavaScript Switch
• JavaScript Loops
• JavaScript Type Conversion
• JavaScript RegExp
• JavaScript Errors
• JavaScript Debugging
• JavaScript Hoisting
• JavaScript Strict Mode
• JavaScript Functions
• JavaScript Objects
• JavaScript Forms
• JavaScript HTML DOM
• JavaScript BOM
Module Objectives:
• Building Strong expertise to develop front-end applications using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript
along with jQuery and AngularJS framework
• Implement MVC and responsive design to scale well across PC, tablet, and Mobile Phone
This course provides you with hands-on experience and exposure to developing jQuery mobile-based
responsive web application. It builds a strong foundation of jQuery which will help the developer
to apply concepts for responsive web frontend development.
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Detailed Course Contents:
• Introduction to jQuery
• jQuery Syntax
• jQuery Selectors
• jQuery Events
• jQuery Effects
• jQuery HTML
• jQuery Traversing
• jQuery AJAX & Misc
Module Objectives:
• To become proficient in OOPS, Design Patterns, and Data Modelling concepts
• At the end of the course candidates will learn the concepts and their practical applications
This course is targeted for fresh engineers or professionals who want to build competency in
Object-Oriented Programming. We focus on understanding OOP concepts and their applications.
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Detailed Course Contents:
• OOPs
• Design Patterns
• Object Oriented Design
3. PHP & Mysql
Part 1: PHP Crash Course
Using PHP
Embedding PHP in HTML
Adding Dynamic Content
Accessing Form Variables
Part 2: Storing and retrieving data
Opening a file
Writing a File
Closing a File
Reading from a File
Part 3: Using Arrays
Numerically Indexed Array
Associative Arrays
Sorting Arrays
Recording Arrays
Part 4: String Manipulation and Regular Expressions
Formatting Strings
Joining and Splitting Strings with String Functions
Comparing Strings
Matching and Replacing Substrings with String Functions
Part 5: Reusing Code and Writing Functions
Using require() and include()
Using Functions
Part 6: Object — Oriented PHP
Object – Oriented Concepts and creating Classes, Attributes, and Operations in PHP
Implementing Inheritance in PHP & signing Classes
Part 7: MVC with Laravel
Laravel Installation
Working with Forms
Working with Controller
Laravel Blade Template with Bootstrap
Responses with Html
Laravel Migration
Laravel Requests, Models
Laravel Eloquent ORM
Build a Complete App in Laravel
Part 8: Designing your web database
Relational Database Concepts
How to Design Your Database & Web Database Architecture
Part 9: Creating your web database
Creating Databases and Users
Introduction to MySQL’s Privilege System
Setting Up a User for the Web
Creating Database Tables
Part 10: Working with your MySQL database
Inserting, Retrieving, and Updating Data into the Database
Altering Tables after Creation
Part 11: Accessing your MySQL Database from the Web with PHP
How Web Database Architectures Work
Checking and Filtering Input Data
Setting Up a Connection & Querying the Database
4. ReactJS (Building Web App using ReactJS)
Module Objectives:
• ReactJS basically is an open-source JavaScript library that is used for building user interfaces
specifically for single-page applications.
• It handles the view layer for web and mobile apps.
ReactJS is a JavaScript library used for building reusable UI components. According to React’s official
documentation, the following is the definition. It encourages the creation of reusable UI components,
which present data that changes over time. React abstracts away the DOM from you, offering a simpler
programming model and better performance. React can also render on the server using Node, and it
can power native apps using React Native. React implements a one-way reactive data flow, which reduces the boilerplate and is easier to reason about than traditional data binding.
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Detailed Course Contents:
1. Introduction to ReactJS and Basic Concepts
• Setup
• Your First React App
• Custom Configs
• Var, let, const & Objects
• This keyword & Binding this
• Arrow function and this
• Object Destructing
• Spread Operator
2. Introduction to JSX
3. OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
• Classes & Objects
• Inheritance & Modules
• Named and Default Exports
4. Components
• Your First React Component
• Embedding Expressions & Setting Attributes
• Rendering Classes Dynamically
• Conditional Rendering
• Handling and Binding Events
• Build an App (Exercise)
5. Composing Components
• Passing Data to Components
• props vs State
• Life Cycle Hooks
6. Forms
• Controlled vs Uncontrolled Components
• Does React control your form field?
• When does React find out about changes to your form field
• Form Field Types
• Controlling the text fields
• Getting Data Out of Form
• Working with Form data in Test
7. Routing
• Typing Components to URL
• Passing Parameters via URLs
• React Router
• Other Router
8. Calling Backend Services
9. Authentication and Authorization
10. Testing your React App
Course Outline Best Full Stack Web Development Course
MEAN Stack Course Outline
Angular (TypeScript)
- Introduction to Angular
- Angular Application Architecture
- What is NgModule
- Angular Components
- Angular Templates
- Data Binding
- Types of Data Binding
- Modules Component Working
- Directives
- Structure Directives
- Template Routing
- Theme Implementation in Angular Framework
- Angular Forms
- Services
- Inject Services
- Angular Server Communication With Backend Server
- Complete Web application In Angular Framework
- Introduction to Nodejs
- Architecture of Nodejs Application
- Synchronous and Asynchronous Programming
- Call back Function in nodejs
- Promises in Nodejs
- Mongodb with Nodejs
- Design the Schema in Nodejs
- Design the Rest APIs
- JSON web Token Authentication in nodejs
- Create the Auth APP in nodejs
- Create the E-commerce Backend
- Integrated Payment Gateway
- Building RESTFUL APIs Using Express
- Express
- Restful services
- Introducing Express
- Building your First Web Server
- Nodemon
- Environment Variables
- Route Parameters
- Handling HTTP GET Request
- Handling HTTP POST Request
- Calling Endpoints Using Postman
- Input Validations
- Handling HTTP PUT Request
- Handling HTTP DELETE Request
- Project- Build the Genres API
- Express- Advanced Topics
- Middleware
- Creating a Custom Middleware
- Built-in Middleware
- Environments
- Configuration
- Debugging
- Templating Engine
- Database Engines
- Database Integration
- Authentication
- Structuring Express Applications
- Introduction to MongoDB (No-SQL)
- Collections in MongoDB
- Documents In MongoDB
- Difference between Mysql and NoSql
- Inserting data into the database
- Filter queries in MongoDB Database
- Schema Validation in MongoDB database
- Indexing In collections
- Aggregation in MongoDB
- Embedded Document in MongoDB
MERN Stack Course Outline
- Introduction to ReactJS
- Understand ReactJSLibrary & directory
- React Components
- Types of Components
- Build a simple React component
- Component composition
- Component styling
- Add styles to your components
- Component intercommunication
- How to pass data from one component to another
- Routing
- Using Routing to create single page app
- Hooks
- States
- Hooks vs States
- Types of Hooks
- Redux
- Using Redux as a state container for React apps
- React Bootstrap
- How to deploy ReactJS App
- Introduction to Nodejs
- Architecture of Nodejs Application
- Synchronous and Asynchronous Programming
- Call back Function in nodejs
- Promises in Nodejs
- Mongodb with Nodejs
- Design the Schema in Nodejs
- Design the Rest APIs
- JSON web Token Authentication in nodejs
- Create the Auth APP in nodejs
- Create the E-commerce Backend
- Integrated Payment Gateway
Building RESTFUL APIs Using Express
- Express
- Restful services
- Introducing Express
- Building your First Web Server
- Nodemon
- Environment Variables
- Route Parameters
- Handling HTTP GET Request
- Handling HTTP POST Request
- Calling Endpoints Using Postman
- Input Validations
- Handling HTTP PUT Request
- Handling HTTP DELETE Request
- Project- Build the Genres API
- Express- Advanced Topics
- Middleware
- Creating a Custom Middleware
- Built-in Middleware
- Environments
- Configuration
- Debugging
- Templating Engine
- Database Engines
- Database Integration
- Authentication
- Structuring Express Applications
- Introduction to MongoDB (No-SQL)
- Collections in MongoDB
- Documents In MongoDB
- Difference between Mysql and NoSql
- Inserting data into the database
- Filter queries in MongoDB Database
- Schema Validation in MongoDB database
- Indexing In collections
- Aggregation in MongoDB
- Embedded Document in MongoDB
Office # 01, 3rd Floor Arfa Software Technology Park, Lahore
Faisal Town Branch: Building 291 Block C Faisal Town lahore
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