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Best Ethical Hacking Course in Lahore, Pakistan

IDEO College in Lahore offers a comprehensive ethical hacking course designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to become ethical hackers or cybersecurity professionals. This course is suitable for both beginners and individuals with some prior experience in computer science or cybersecurity. IDEO College provides a practical learning experience through hands-on exercises, simulated environments, and real-world case studies. The course is taught by experienced instructors who have extensive knowledge and practical experience in the field of ethical hacking.

Saturday and Sunday
6:00 pm to 08:00 pm
Duration: 2 months
Rs: 15,000/person

ethical hacking course in lahore

What’s included in the Best Ethical Hacking Course in Lahore, Pakistan | IDEO College

Exceptional Ethical Hacking Course in Lahore

  • Ethical hacking has become a very popular course in the IT industry all around the world. As a result, our most innovative and difficult course offers you with the best information security skills and understanding. Network Kings’ CEH (v11) master course will teach you sophisticated network packet analysis.
  • It is a required course for security engineers. A ‘White-Hat-Hacker’ is another name for it. Unauthorized access and infrastructure vulnerabilities have been detected. With this course’s understanding, malicious hacking processes can be prevented.

Certified Ethical Hacking

  • Ethical hacking has become a very popular course in the IT industry all around the world. CEH is in high demand and delivers the highest information security skills and knowledge. The CEH focuses on malware attacks, hacking tools, and developing cyber attack vectors.
  • The EC Council has recognized and accredited Certified Ethical Hacking. CEH is a master course offered by Network Kings that will teach you advanced network packet analysis. It is the foundational course for Security Engineers.

Who this course is for

  • You can start the Advance Ethical Hacking course in Lahore with no prior experience and quickly advance your abilities as an information technology and security expert anywhere in the world!
  • If you want to grow your career on LinkedIn or as an online freelancer, you may use the skills you learn in this course to find a better job and increase your hourly pay rate.
  • If you want to become a better network administrator, this course will teach you how to secure networks and protect assets.

Best Ethical Hacking Course in Lahore, Pakistan



  •  Basic Hacking Terms You Will Learn
  • Want To Know Getting Started
  • How to create a bootable USB of Kali Linux ( optional )
  • Linux Terminal including basic functionalities and CLI.
  • proxy chains for using proxy servers, hiding your IP, and obtaining access.
  • What is a macchanger? How can you use it to change your Mac address?
  • Breaking WPA/WPA2 encryption.
  • Wifi hacking and wifi hacker training.
  • SSL strips.
  • Let’s have a bit of fun!
  • Attacking routers to give you free rein over the entire network!
  • Website attacks with SQL injections.
  • Denial of Service (DoS) attacks were demonstrated and explained.
  • Make your own Keylogger in C++
  • Build your hacking environment!
  • Updates: How to install VirtualBox on Fedora 22 + Kali Sana VM ( OPTIONAL )
  • What is Tor? How can you use it to protect your anonymity online?
  • What is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and how you can stay
  • anonymous with a VPN?
  • Footprinting with Nmap and external resources.
  • Attacking wireless networks.

Overview of the tools.

  • Signal jamming and denial of service.
  • Evil twin method! Clone wireless access points to steal data.
  • DNS setting hacking to redirect users with post-authentication exploitation forcing methods for cracking passwords.
  • Reverse shells. Gain remote control of any device!

Hacking Lab

In This Section, We Are Building Our Own Lab Where We Can Perform Our Attacks (You Will Be Able To Use Your Mac, Windows, Linux Operating Systems Don’t Worry! What This Lab Essentially Is, Is A Virtual Machine That We Will Use For Hacking (Kali Linux) And Throughout The Course, We Also Create Additional Virtual vulnerable Machines That We Can Practice Our Attacks On. The Reason We Use Virtual Machines Is That We Are Not Allowed To Test Our Attacks On real-life websites And Networks So We Create Our Own Environment To Do That.

  • Downloading Virtual Box & Kali Linux
  • Creating Our First Virtual Machine
  • Installing Kali Linux Operating System
  • 5 Stages Of A Penetration Test
  • Navigating Through the Kali Linux System
  • Creating Files & Managing Directories
  • Network Commands & Sudo Privileges In Kali

Optional: Python 101

Learn   Python 3 Programming From Scratch. This Section Is Not Mandatory And Is Optional For Those That Want To Learn To Program So You Are Able To Build Your Own Ethical Hacking Tools!

  • Learn Python Basics
  • Learn Python Intermediate
  • Learn Python: Error Handling
  • Learn Python: File I/O


Here We Learn What We Call Footprinting, Or In Other Words, Information Gathering. Once We Choose Our Target, Our First Task Is To Gain As Much Information About The Target As Possible.

  • What is Information Gathering?
  • Obtaining IP Address, Physical
  • Address Using Whois Tool
  • What web Stealthy Scan
  • Aggressive Website Technology Discovering on IP Range
  • Gathering Emails Using the Harvester & Hunter
  • How To Download Tools Online
  • Finding Usernames With Sherlocks.


This Is Where Things Get Real. In This Section, We Also Gather Information But We Try To Gather Only Technical Information (I.E. Have Open Ports, Firewalls, Whether Software is Running Open Ports, What Operating System They Are, Outdated Operating System, etc..).

  • Theory Behind Scanning
  • TCP & UDP
  • Installing a Vulnerable Virtual Machine
  • Netdiscover
  • Performing First Nmap Scan
  • Different Nmap Scan Types
  • Discovering Target Operating System
  • Detecting Version Of Service Running On An Open Port
  • Filtering Port Range & Output Of Scan Results
  • What is a Firewall/IDS?
  • Using Decoys and Packet Fragmentation
  • Security Evasion Nmap Options
  • Note: Time To Switch Things Up!
  • Python Coding Project – Port
  • Vulnerability Analysis

In This Section We Use The Information That We Gathered From Scanning (Such As software that The Target Has Running On Open Ports) With This Information, We Try To Determine Whether There Are Any Known Vulnerabilities.

  • Finding First Vulnerability With Nmap Scripts
  • Manual Vulnerability Analysis & Searchsploit
  • Nessus Installation
  • Discovering Vulnerabilities With Nessus
  • Scanning Windows 7 Machine With Nessus.


This Is The Exciting Part Of The Course. This Is Where We Attack And Gain Access To The

Target Machines. Throughout This Section, We Will Be Covering Many Different Vulnerabilities and different Targets. We Perform These Attacks On Our Virtual

Machines And Cover Another Really Important Tool For An Ethical Hacker: Metasploit Framework. The Goal Of Exploitation Is To Get On That Target Machine.

This Means We Must Drop A Payload On That Target Machine So We Can Use It To Navigate Through Their Systems, Look Through Their Files,

Execute Anything We Want, And Delete Anything We Want without Target Knowing Anything About It. We Will Also Learn To Create Our Own Viruses and Trojans That We Can Deliver To The Target Whether Through An Email Or Through A USB.

  • What is Exploitation?
  • What is a Vulnerability?
  • Reverse Shells, Bind Shells.
  • Metasploit Framework Structure
  • Msfconsole Basic Commands
  • Our First Exploit – vsftp 2.3.4 Exploitation
  • Misconfigurations Happen – Bindshell Exploitation
  • Information Disclosure – Telnet Exploit
  • Software Vulnerability – Samba Exploitation
  • Attacking SSH – Bruteforce Attack
  • Exploitation Challenge – 5 Different Exploits
  • Explaining Windows 7 Setup
  • Eternal Blue Attack – Windows 7 Exploitation
  • DoublePulsar Attack – Windows Exploit
  • BlueKeep Vulnerability – Windows Exploit
  • Routersploit
  • Router Default Credentials
  • Setting Up Vulnerable Windows 10
  • Crashing Windows 10 Machine Remotely
  • Exploiting Windows 10 Machine Remotely
  • Generating Basic Payload With Msfvenom
  • Advance Msfvenom Usage
  • Generating Powershell Payload Using Veil
  • TheFatRat Payload Creation
  • Hexeditor & Antiviruses
  • Making Our Payload Open An Image


This is what comes after Exploitation. Post-exploitation is what we do on the target machine after we have exploited it. Since we are on that machine we can do many we want, we want to make sure we cover our tracks by deleting any event logs or deleting any evidence that we were ever on that machine.

  • Post Exploitation Theory
  • Meterpreter Basic Commands
  • Elevating Privileges With Different Modules
  • Creating Persistence On The Target System
  • Post Exploitation Modules
  • Python Coding Project – Backdoor


This Is Another Big Topic For An Ethical Hacker. In This

Section, We Are Mainly Targeting Websites And Their Bugs/vulnerabilities. These Vulnerabilities

Can Be Anything From Misconfig- curations, SQL Injections (us- acting With The Database), Information Disclosures (Having Access To Some Information By Mistake that shouldn’t Be Out There), and Command Injection Directly Interacting.

  • Website Penetration Testing Theory
  • HTTP Request & Response
  • Information Gathering & Dirb Tool
  • Burpsuite Configuration
  • ShellShock Exploitation
  • Command Injection Exploitation
  • Getting Meterpreter Shell With Command Execution
  • Reflected XSS & Cookie Stealing
  • Stored XSS
  • HTML Injection
  • SQL Injection
  • CSRF Vulnerability
  • Hydra Bruteforce Attack
  • Burpsuite Intruder
  • Python Coding Project – Login Brute-force + Directory Discovery


This Is An Attack That Is Used Inside A Network. This Allows Us To Sniff Any Unencrypted Data And See It In Plain Text. This Could Also Include Seeing Passwords In Plain Text For Some Websites.

There Are Many Tools Out There That Can Perform This Attack For Us And We Cover Some Of The Main Ones In The Section.

  • Theory – Man In The Middle Attack
  • Bettercap ARP Spoofing
  • Ettercap Password Sniffing
  • Manually Poisoning Targets ARP Cache With Scapy


This is the section where we want to gain access to a network by cracking its wireless password

  • Wireless Cracking Theory
  • Putting Wireless Card In Monitor Mode
  • Deauthenticating Devices & Grabbing Password
  • Aircrack Password Cracking
  • Hashcat Password Cracking


This is something we cover in almost every section. Social Engineering is an attack on humans since as we know people are always the weakest security!


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